Doctrinal Statement
The following tenets of faith are set forth for Horton Haven Christian Camp and expected to be agreed to by all those taking an active role in the operation of the camp:
- The Bible is the inerrant Word of God, is verbally inspired, and constitutes the all-sufficient rule of faith and practice.
- God eternally exists in three equal persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- The Virgin Birth, sinless perfection, and bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Total Depravity of the human race and the absolute necessity of the New Birth.
- Redemption wholly by the blood of Christ and salvation by grace alone through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The Church of our Lord Jesus Christ composed of all true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ is one and indivisible.
- The hope of the Church is the personal and imminent return of the Lord.
- The bodies of all will be raised from the dead: The saved to enjoy eternal bliss and the unsaved to experience eternal and conscious punishment.
- We hold to the unity of the body of Christ and that believers have the ministry of edifying and supporting each other. Our focus is not upon divisive issues.
- That all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ are called into a life of separation unto the Lord from worldly and sinful practices and habits.